Quest Lab Stewardship powered by hc1®—Smarter care decisions in real time
Lab stewardship is about gaining the most insights from your diagnostics to deliver the best quality care, drive down cost and complexity, and optimize testing.

Quest Lab Stewardship solutions transform 50 years of diagnostic services expertise and over 60+ billion patient data points into smarter care decisions in real time.

Quest Lab Stewardship powered by hc1® can help your organization assess lab test utilization and cost, for greater insights and better outcomes.
By connecting physicians, lab administrators, and medical leadership with actionable, real-time lab data, you can move the lab from a transactional cost center to a strategic asset.
Special offer for Premier, Inc. members
Premier members can take advantage of special pricing and terms prenegotiated by Premier to access Quest lab stewardship solutions, including Quest Lab Stewardship Enterprise powered by hc1.

The collaboration includes a streamlined, easy-to-use process designed to expedite access and integration of the solution, alleviating the traditional request for proposal (RFP) and negotiation process.

All Premier members, whether they have existing contracts for lab services with Quest Diagnostics or not, can benefit from the Quest-Premier offering. Quest Lab Stewardship Enterprise is the only laboratory stewardship solution available for purchase through Premier. 
Multiple solutions to meet the needs of your organization
Quest Lab Stewardship Enterprise
Our data and analytics platform, combined with advisory services, is designed to provide healthcare organizations access to insights from aggregated, deidentified testing data.
The real-time analytics platform is a secure cloud-based application accessible to your entire organization. With these powerful, actionable insights, the laboratory can move from a transactional cost center to a strategic asset in the transition to high value care.

Quest Lab Stewardship Enterprise can:

  • Track trends in order volume, identify areas for clinical and operational improvement
  • Give insights into care variation
  • Identify gaps in care
  • Provide network insight
  • Measure the results of interventions
  • Discover cost-savings opportunities

Learn more or schedule a demo

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Quest Lab Stewardship Reference
Get valuable insights from all Quest reference testing as well as 21 medical laboratory guidelines, sourced by clinical societies. These learnings can help you optimize lab testing and patient outcomes. Plus, monitor testing trends with dashboards on volume, spend, order insights, and COVID-19 test orders.
Quest Lab Stewardship Advisory Services
Our dedicated team helps identify opportunities and build solutions for better performance, including governance program initiation and support, opportunity assessment, simple or complex data analysis, and laboratory data improvements. And we’ll develop custom dashboards so that you can display the data that is most necessary to your system.
Get started today with Quest Lab Stewardship
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